Friday, November 20, 2009

WE ARE HAVING A........................


Well I had my appointment to find out how the baby is developing and also to find out what we were having. Owen couldn't go because the appointment was in the middle of the day and he could not get off work. But he said it was ok for me to find out without him.

It took the nurse a while to find out what it was because the baby was being shy. Finally she was able to see that it was a girl. I was happy and so was Owen. I was not that surprise, I kind of was expecting it to be a girl. This is the 5th granddaughter in the Smith family.

Just to make sure that it is a girl, I am going to keep asking the doctor to double check every time I have an appointment. Would hate to have a bunch of cute girl clothing and we end up having a boy.

This is how I decided to tell Owen that we were having a little girl.

Owen with Baby Savannah's PJs
This is my belly at 18 weeks

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! You're going to have a blast with a girl Paola. They are so fun.
